English to Georgian Meaning of close - ახლოს

Close :

დამთავრებული, დასრულება, დასასრული, დასკვნა, ახლოს, ფერი, ბოლო, დახურვის, დანართი, ვიწრო, პაუზის, შეჩერება, თავშეკავება, შეწყვეტა, პლუს, გარდა ამისა,, კითხულობს, თანხვედრა

შეჩერება, ახლოს, გაჩუმება, ბოლო მოეღოს, შეუშალოს, დასაშლელად, შეწყვიტონ, ჩახშობა, დაკავება, ივსება, სველი, ფერი, დააყენა მეშვეობით, დასასრული, დაასრულოს, იყოს მეშვეობით, იმის, დაურთოს, გარს, თოლია, ააწყვე, შეიკრიბება, კონსოლიდაცია, იკრიბებიან, გაერთიანდება, გაერთიანდეს, შეუერთდება, ანიჭებენ, კვანძი, წყვილი, შეხვედრა, ერთობლივი, უნდა დასრულდეს, იყოს მეტი

ახლოს, ინტიმური, ნაცნობი, სქელი, გარდაუვალი, წიაღში, გაჩუმება, მეზობელი, ინერტული, მჭიდრო, კომპაქტური, ლაკონური, მჭიდრო იარაღი, საიდუმლო, ფარული, კულისები, მიმდებარე, მომიჯნავე, შეკრული, დარწმუნებული, დაუზიანებელი, ზუსტი, სრული, შემოიფარგლება, დახურულია, ორგანული, სისტემური, კარგად უკავშირდება, განდეგილი, გადადგა, კერძო, ხალხმრავალ, უკანა კარი, მისტიკური, ეხება, ხშირი, კუბური, მყარი, უქარო, მოკლე, შემაჯამებელი, ვნებიანი, ენთუზიაზმი, დაძაბული, დიდი, უშუალო, ტერმინალში, კონცენტრირებული, ინტენსიური, ღრმა, ცნობილი, გაეცნო, საუბრობს, უფლება, სწორი, ფიქსირებული, უსიტყვო, ყურადღებიანი, ფრთხილად, მავიწყდება, დაკვირვებულობა, გააზრებული

ახლოს, სწრაფი, მყარი,, კარგად ღამის, თითქმის, ყველაზე, უბრალოდ, ადრე

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Definitions of close in English
Noun(1) the temporal end; the concluding time(2) the last section of a communication(3) the concluding part of any performance
Verb(1) move so that an opening or passage is obstructed; make shut(2) become closed(3) cease to operate or cause to cease operating(4) finish or terminate (meetings, speeches, etc.(5) come to a close(6) complete a business deal, negotiation, or an agreement(7) be priced or listed when trading stops(8) engage at close quarters(9) cause a window or an application to disappear on a computer desktop(10) change one's body stance so that the forward shoulder and foot are closer to the intended point of impact(11) come together, as if in an embrace(12) draw near(13) bring together all the elements or parts of(14) bar access to(15) fill or stop up(16) unite or bring into contact or bring together the edges of
Adjective(1) at or within a short distance in space or time or having elements near each other(2) close in relevance or relationship(3) not far distant in time or space or degree or circumstances(4) rigorously attentive; strict and thorough(5) marked by fidelity to an original(6) (of a contest or contestants(7) crowded(8) lacking fresh air(9) of textiles(10) strictly confined or guarded(11) confined to specific persons(12) fitting closely but comfortably(13) used of hair or haircuts(14) giving or spending with reluctance, or near(15) inclined to secrecy or reticence about divulging information
Adverb(1) near in time or place or relationship(2) in an attentive manner
Examples of close in English
(1) I was pretty close , though I still couldn't see the skyline of New York.(2) The summer may be drawing to a close , but York Racecourse has still been pulling the crowds for its September meeting.(3) The sunshade on their terrace retracts, the windows close automatically whenever it starts to rain.(4) If the agreement is in writing it may be in very close print on the back of a delivery docket or ticket.(5) He and his sister were close and her death affected him so strongly that friends initially feared for his own mental health.(6) It can be the year when we draw to a close this sorry chapter in our treatment of those with disabilities.(7) The competition was dreamed up by staff at the Lowry in response to claims by many visitors that dogs in the pictures bear a close resemblance to their own.(8) We're very good friends and very close but he doesn't spare me either.(9) they take place at close intervals(10) But I am conscious of the fact that we lost all three matches by very narrow margins and winning the close matches becomes a habit.(11) Tessa cooks the evening meal, but the nearest town is close if clients wish to eat out occasionally.(12) Shares in the club were 1.5 pence higher at 286.5 pence by the close of trade in London on Thursday.(13) Little by little however, she seemed to get comfortable with the fact that I wanted to be close and intimate with her.(14) close the door, please(15) He extends his hand toward the metal door, bringing it slamming to a close .(16) The only solution is surgery to close the hole and reinforce the spot.
Related Phrases of close
(1) close to ::
(2) close to you ::
შენთან ახლოს
(3) close the door ::
დახურე კარი
(4) to close ::
(5) close down ::
(6) close friend ::
ახლო მეგობარი
(7) close by ::
(8) close-up ::
(9) very close ::
ძალიან ახლოს
1. near ::
2. dense ::
3. evenly matched ::
თანაბრად შესაბამისი
4. immediate ::
5. intimate ::
6. strong ::
7. careful ::
8. vigilant ::
9. strict ::
10. humid ::
11. skinny ::
13. faithful ::
14. secretive ::
15. tight ::
17. close-fitting ::
მჭიდრო იარაღი
18. tight ::
19. near ::
20. end ::
21. ending ::
22. finale ::
23. last ::
24. shut ::
26. catch up ::
დაჭერა, მისწრება
27. narrow ::
28. meet ::
29. end ::
31. clinch ::
32. close down ::
33. fill up ::
34. conclude ::
35. come together ::
1. open ::
Different Forms
close, closed, closely, closeness, closes, closing, closings
Word Example from TV Shows
Don't want to swim too close
to a drowning man?

Don't want to swim too CLOSE to a drowning man?

Game of Thrones Season 2, Episode 10

So close.


The Big Bang Theory Season 12, Episode 6

That was a close one.

That was a CLOSE one.

The Big Bang Theory Season 10, Episode 8

it means that they were close.

it means that they were CLOSE.

Money Heist Season 1, Episode 13

You were as close
as I got to...

You were as CLOSE as I got to...

Westworld Season 2, Episode 9

English to Georgian Dictionary: close

Meaning and definitions of close, translation in Georgian language for close with similar and opposite words. Also find spoken pronunciation of close in Georgian and in English language.

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